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Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults

Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults2011-12-14T13:08:40+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults


Post count: 913

No, no-dop, it’s not that really….. it’s that they’ve found by just “throwing drugs at it” they are forcing nature into more resistant strains and super-strains. It’s a huge concern in medicine right now….. they are trying to get out of the “just toss a drug at it” thing.

Also – malpractice is a concern. My brother was a respiratory therapist in a hospital…his malpractice insurance was over $100,000 a YEAR. Can you afford that? Even some doctors can barely afford that. And he was NOT a doctor!!

But I understand your thoughts – been there myself – I’ve diagnosed my own broken bones, pneumonia, torn tendon, you name it, I often walk in telling them what is wrong…… and have found I have a better than 90% rate of being correct. (LOL – about as good as many doctors)