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Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults

Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults2011-12-13T06:19:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults Re: wanting to look into medication but not sure what works best for adults


Post count: 14413

Hi, from what I have read and been told, and seen here … each of us is on a different drug or drugs, all of those drugs work to a greater or lesser extent ..differently on each of us. Brain chemistry is .. it seems.. uniquely individual as is ADHD as well.

Sorry, no answer that would be any good to you. Many people get great results from what ever they get and others don’t.

Some, statistically, will not get anything from the drugs, but may do well with BT or other stuff.

It is a bit of a crap shoot, the field is still in its early stages, still trying to figure out how to “” fix “” things and not sure as yet how.

Best of luck, doing something is often better than doing nothing … read the forums, good stuff here.