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Re: We're All Mutants: The Average Human Has 60 New Genetic Mutations

Re: We're All Mutants: The Average Human Has 60 New Genetic Mutations2011-07-01T19:15:51+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families We're All Mutants: The Average Human Has 60 New Genetic Mutations Re: We're All Mutants: The Average Human Has 60 New Genetic Mutations


Post count: 14413

I’ve been sending the spammer’s member names through the feedback form (I’ll do it now). If it’s a new posting, I also tag the post SPAM. It gets passed on fairly quickly and the spammer gets turfed. We’re pretty lucky, not much of this happens here as far as I’ve seen, and the moderators get to it fairly quickly (not on weekends) and acknowledge my feedback.