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Re: What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication?

Re: What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication?2011-07-11T20:13:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication? Re: What do you expect / what are you gaining from your medication?


Post count: 14413

Hi no_dopamine My stress too comes a lot from not getting things done. The past two weeks I’ve been trying to work with a schedule.

I find that even writing the tasks down stresses me out. A lot!

So I changed plans and made a more flexible list. I’ve actually made five lists:

– chores that take less than 15 minutes

– chores that take less than an hour

– chores that take less than two hours

– chores that take half a day

– chores that take a whole day

All without time planning (unless there’s a real deadline).

I’m still finetuning this (how to prioritise?) I’ve done quite a few things from the list but less then I hoped. Bet then again, I’ve also done things that weren’t even on the lists!

I’m talking to my psychologist about why these plannings freak me out and hope that one day I will be able to use that whiteboard just like you! (and I’ll work on the ‘if I can’t I don’t sweat it’ part…)

Meanwhile: breathe in, breathe out!

Thanx, I appreciate your response!