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Re: What exactly is the reason? I need to understand WHY.

Re: What exactly is the reason? I need to understand WHY.2011-12-13T01:53:55+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community What exactly is the reason? I need to understand WHY. Re: What exactly is the reason? I need to understand WHY.


Post count: 14413

Colby, a distraction-free environment sounds pretty enticing to me, I could never focus at work until everyone went home for the day, there were too many sounds, conversations, movements, etc. (a large open office with low cubicles). I also attended an open-concept high school in the mid-70s, an experiment that was not meant for someone like me, 6 different classes going on in one big room, no structure, no exams, etc.

My favourite time of day at home is early Sunday morning, our neighbourhood is barely stirring and is so quiet – I can try to get work done in that kind of environment.