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Re: What if it's not ADHD?

Re: What if it's not ADHD?2011-12-15T01:10:21+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Do I Have it? What if it's not ADHD? Re: What if it's not ADHD?


Post count: 14413

“Every day I knew, and yet every day I doubted.”

Very true!

I am on my diagnosis journey, and I am getting so impatient. I really don’t like all this waiting around – I have so many thoughts swimming around in my head…whether or not to blame the A.D.D for things, or whether to blame something else. And yes, I want a second opinion if I’m not diagnosed with A.D.D, because I know something isn’t normal.

Gah, if only the diagnosis would hurry up!