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Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?

Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?2010-12-08T16:27:03+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers What jobs have you enjoyed? Re: What jobs have you enjoyed?


Post count: 12

@slevine “The bad thing is that for some reason people get caught up in very unimportant details of the designs.”

I totally get you on that, I feel that “normal” people try to make things more difficult than they have to be. last year I did a program review, and my adviser came over to look at what I had done so far, and ended up retyping several sections, not to add any usable content, but to make them longer.


I started writing a textbook a couple years ago, I got the outline done, and wrote the first couple chapters before I moved on to another project.