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Re: What's the task that needs the most attention?

Re: What's the task that needs the most attention?2011-07-04T16:09:36+00:00

Post count: 206

I always find it amazing that they don’t see the dirty washroom, when the toilet paper roll is empty they can place a new roll on the counter in the bathroom but that 2 ft stretch to actually remove the old one and replace it with new is beyond human capability, the counter can be covered in food but they will get down a plate not to touch it, but can’t wet a clean cloth with soap and water to wipe it, and things tumble to the floor and no one sees it. I guess in our case the question “if a tree fell in the forest, would anyone hear it” is a resounding no. So it falls to me. DH’s mother was ADHD as well, but she had a cleaning bug. She could also run a green house business, teach flower arranging courses, volunteer in the community and a million other things. She never sat down and insisted that everything was easy. Superwoman syndrome is bad for her daughter-in-laws because the son’s are looking for a woman who is willing to wipe their butts like she did. I ain’t no superwoman. I hate cleaning, necessary evil and I am willing to do my part but my Borg designation ain’t 1 of 1 it is 1 of 4. So why would I want to do everything for everyone. DH does his best but he is a perfectionist. 2 hours to do the bathroom, and an hour and a half to fold and put away 1 load of laundry. I don’t need hospital corners on my shirts, I am just going to put it on again and wear it. More likely the first piece of food to touch these lips end up dripping onto the shirt and it joins its sisters in the laundry hamper waiting to be bleached clean again. That’s why everything I buy is a multiple. Completely interchangeable. Of course I hate clothes shopping, and when I find something I like I buy five or 6. Then when I do have to get new stuff I find that it is no longer available and I end up having to find something new I like. I don’t buy trendy clothes, so why is it not still available. But that is a rant for another time.

Bathrooms and kitchens are two areas you can’t really compromise on. They will both literally make you sick. And once a day I go around collecting cups, plates and silverwear to put in the dishwasher. There are only 4 of us here, but we go through 20 or more cups a day. Since I only drink water, I pick one cup and use it for the day. It usually is right beside the water cooler or on my tv tray (we solved the dilemma of crap on the dining room table by taking down the table) so where do the other 19 cups come from. And how are dishes literally from the backyard to every room in the house. Do they develop legs and walk. I swear Not Me is the fifth person who lives here. Because Not Me does everything in this house. To bad Not Me couldn’t help out a little more. 😆