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Re: What's the task that needs the most attention?

Re: What's the task that needs the most attention?2011-07-05T00:08:03+00:00

Post count: 14413

Curlymoe – I hear you!! I swear Not Me lives here too. I feel like I am forever loading the dishwasher, and as soon as I load it, a pile of dishes migrates into the kitchen to fill the empty sink, even though those same dishes belonged to Not Me when I announced that I was about to load the dishwasher and wanted all the dishes in the kitchen.

I have given up chasing my kids for things. If they don’t put school clothes into the washing hamper, then they don’t get washed. My daughter wore shorts to school yesterday (it’s winter here) because she did not put her track pants in the basket when I asked her to, so they did not get washed in time for school. I have started dumping all their rubbish into their beds (including dirty dishes I find lying around, food wrappers, toilet paper rolls (which get shared evenly between the kids’ beds), used tissues, etc)…..and their “good” stuff that does not get put away, I put away for them….in a garbage bag in the shed. They get one warning, and a time limit – so I will say “the lounge room needs to be tidy by 8pm or I will do it for you” and they know the consequences of not doing it. It has been the best way to get things picked up around the house. My daughter’s psychologist gave us the idea. The kids hate going to bed to find it is full of rubbish, and they also hate having to fetch homework and clothes for school out of the shed/garage. It’s a great threat to use when the kids won’t scrape their food scraps into the bin – “if you don’t scrape your plate within 5 minutes, then I will do it for you….into your bed!!”. I have been disappointed that I haven’t been given the opportunity of scraping food scraps into a bed yet 😉

Now I just need to get the “cleaning” type chores sorted!

My least favourite job is putting laundry away. I am happy to wash, and actually enjoy it, but once it comes out of the dryer it loses my interest. And ironing doesn’t happen. Much. I don’t see the point of ironing. In our house, if you want it ironed, you do it yourself, so hubby irons his own work shirts.

I have a “superwoman” mother-in-law. She did everything for her two boys. It has certainly made life difficult for me, as I am a believer in taking as much responsibility for yourself as you can. Mostly because I struggle so much to cope with my own responsibilities that I can’t take on too many household burdens without something giving way. So I expect everyone to chip in. Not that it works that way much, but I certainly make my feelings known.