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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-27T03:23:29+00:00

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Post count: 14413

Ok, day 2 of my internet withdrawal challenge, and I managed to get to work by 9 am this morning, and I was productive for the whole day, left work at 6 and didn’t go on the internet until now (11:20 pm, and I’m going to bed now).

I did answer one email first thing in the morning, from a friend down south who was worried that I hadn’t gotten a reply from her about something important. But I stayed away from surfing for the most part. That one email did interfere with my schedule for getting to work by 8:30 am, though, so I have to watch that.

I am finding that when I am tired, when I need a bit of a break from work, that I will get on the internet and try to stimulate myself by surfing, I will look at things that I wouldn’t normally go out of my way to look at, it’s as if I am extremely bored. For example, I only read newspapers online, I will go to the main page and see if there’s any headlines that I’m interested in, and then click on them. But if it gets out of hand, I start reading the stories that I would never bother with, because I am bored. And if there are photos, well, I usually can’t help clicking to see them!

So this challenge is helping me to understand more about my internet addiction and how to start breaking that habit. Will post again after day 3.