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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-31T02:10:52+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up? Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?


Post count: 14413

Hi Carrie,

I thought you were going away! That happens to us a lot, we plan to do something, but never follow through on it, and then we complain that we never do anything!

Rick’s blog post about doing just one thing was very helpful. So you could try making a goal of just doing “___________” and nothing else for [a] the next 5 minutes or the next hour or [c] until lunch or [d] until it’s finished (the last is the hardest!). You might not be able to do it but you might see your patterns more clearly.

I had to do it for a whole week to really start to see what was going on. My therapist calls it “stalking the pattern”. Now I know what he means, I never really understood it before. I mean, I could never remember what I wanted or needed to do from one moment to the next, and was easily distracted or tempted away. With the meds, a schedule, and postponing some of my distractions temporarily, I was able to accomplish much of what I wanted to. I still feel I should be doing more, but that might not be realistic (after all, I think I’m Superwoman, but every time I try to fly, I fall flat, that should tell me something).

If I wasn’t working for myself, I still would have fired me. I didn’t produce as much as a so-called normal person would, but I was able to stay focused, resist the temptation to do what I wanted to do instead of what I needed to do, and keep my workday to regular hours, not overtime. And what I produced was very good quality. So the attention is there on what I’m doing, not on what I should or want to do, or on that brand new hot green Fiat 5500 driving down the street! (normally I would start googling that, spending an hour or more finding out about it)