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Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?

Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?2011-07-25T15:54:08+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Other What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up? Re: What's your worst habit and what's your plan to mess it up?


Post count: 227

Guilty as charged.

I use Rick’s advice — Do ONE thing. What I do is pick one thing that I think I can accomplish in the day and FOCUS on it. That helps me put distractions in their place. In the past, I tended to focus on TOO LARGE a project and often felt overwhelmed. Now I break it down into one day chunks.

But I think you’re wise in putting off the computer until noon. I know that I’m freshest in the morning (even without the medication) and somehow, the way I start the day determines how productive the day will be. If I start with email and social media, I won’t get nearly as much done as if I dive right into what I want to accomplish. There will be lots of interruptions later!

Great post!