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Re: Where can I find treatment?

Re: Where can I find treatment?2010-01-05T18:09:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Where can I find treatment? Re: Where can I find treatment?


Post count: 14413

Finding someone to make a diagnosis? Here are a few hints- a) seek out a local support group both for names and reputations; b) contact the on-line national and regional support networks like CHADD, ADDA or CADDAC; c) go to the professional medical search engines (in Canada the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada http://www.cpso.org) has a search tool as do many of the psychological websites and d) get your family doctor to explore their network of referral sources. Unfortunately, one of the most common strategies is still going to your doctor waving a book and saying, “do you know about this?” Sometimes the public has to educate the docs first and then get them to be a partner in treatment.

One of the difficulties is that, as you pointed out Leah, whoever you get might not be that good but that is all that is there. As professionals, it is our hope to educate our colleagues so that YOU, the consumer, have choice. Takes time.