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Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower

Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower2011-07-20T23:57:28+00:00

Post count: 14413

librarian_chief … Why do you need to poke fun at anyone? It’s rude. I had a mother’s helper once, and if i could afford it on this continent, I would have one still, plus a personal assistant… and a driver. I can’t afford any of them, but I don’t resent those that can. I’m happy they’re able to have an easier time of life than me. Hell, my husband takes on the position of assistant else everything would go to hell, and he doesn’t even get paid for it. Seems like the better thing to do would just be to pay someone willing so you don’t have to stress your marriage, like so many ADDers do. It’s not like the condition is curable and if we keep trying one day we’ll be without symptoms. Might as well do your best to deal with your limitations, and if that includes having a detail-oriented person helping you out and you’re able to afford it.. than that is a good thing. You don’t need to be in the ruling class. I know a lot of middle class stay at home moms who have a mother’s helper because life is overwhelming for everyone. It’s smart to just deal with it, not act like you’re capable of doing it all if you aren’t actually.