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Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower

Re: Why Some Entrepreneurs Call ADHD a Superpower2011-07-20T18:20:57+00:00

Post count: 14413

Well l_b………hahahahhaha…the ruling class, love it, as a Leo I already knew that tho!!!! Hmmm maybe we already are, it’s just the linear folks have the administrivia of day to day and that screws us up??? When I was still workin I had an Admin Asst. and, yes it made it much simpler to fly, for sure. I seemed to do well on my feet…a great talking head…but struggled with the day to day admin bullshit. Same as in class at University could speak with the best of them, debate the Prof into a corner…….but write a paper….Wew…s-t-r-u-g-g-le….fret, always late and always started it the first week of class, exams were not much better…….gawd!! Stop the stream of consciouness to write then find the stream again…..hmmmm tough.

We as a group seem to resemble our brain process…we resist categorization…hahahhaha. I agree with PeteP….we are all different……one person’s chicken is another’s poison. There are also so many elements that work into a person’s developmental make-up, that statements that are put out as “universal truths” might well be viewed as limited in their universality???? Or not……
