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Re: Work Distractions

Re: Work Distractions2012-09-13T06:29:28+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Distractions Work Distractions Re: Work Distractions


Post count: 929

Here’s a thread with lot’s of folks going through similar work environment troubles. Maybe you can find some more strategies to cope, as well as ideas to help you make the right choice on your next job. http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=2533 It’s a fun one to read too. Talk about crazy zany goofie people!.

One on one therapy as well as group counseling are an important part of the process for me as I move foreword making peace with my ADHD. I’ve got some PTSD stuff I’m dealing with as well. There’s a lot of layers to the whole mental health puzzle that we’re navigating our way through here. I’m feeling like the counseling and therapy are essential for me to have a happy and productive future.

As a rodeo clown. (not really) I want to be a monkeys uncle when I grow up.

It’s important to have some fun along the way, so I’m working on building healthy relationships, n holding on to the friends I do have. It’s quite a puzzle dealing with an ADHD diagnosis a little bit later in life. At 47 it can seem like a pain in the ass, well… actually it is a pain in the ass, but as long as I keep a balance of plenty of play mixed in with all the work we do to get our brown stuff together. It’s not too hard.

Remember to clown around, as an ADDer, it’s your responsibility to act like an idiot every now and then. People need someone to make fun of n laugh at. That’s us!. I’m always happy to force a miserable person to crack a smile when they really want to punch me in the face ;-) doesn’t that sound like fun to you?.

Yep, that’s what I thought.
