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Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication

Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication2011-01-04T22:07:19+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General Working memory (short term memory) and medication Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication


Post count: 173

Well, when I went in for testing, they administered the Wechsler Adult Intellegence Scale (WAIS) on me, and my Working memory was in something like the 36 percentile. My Psychologist said that it was difficult to tease out if that was the result of my ADHD or my Learning Disability. (Besides the low working memory, I have a 30 point difference between my Verbal and Performance Scores. A 10 point difference is considered indicative of an LD.) .

I think the Concerta is helping a bit. I would be curious to retake the WAIS while on it, to see if it made an impact on my scores, but I’m not paying for another test. :D