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Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication

Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication2011-01-04T19:00:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Side Effects General Working memory (short term memory) and medication Re: Working memory (short term memory) and medication


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Hey, I can identify with this because I have a similar situation. My memory is literally terrible but my psychiatrist has indentifed my condition as ADHD with a memory deficiency as a ‘co-morbid’ condition. Her feeling is that we will treat the ADHD and see if the memory improves becuase the memory condition might be directly linked to the ADHD. If after treating the ADHD the memory issue continues to exhibit itself, we will deal with the memory issue separately. Currently, I am 36 mg of Concerta and seeing a ADHD coach who is working with me in assisting me with organization, prioritization and synergizing my work. Along with all that, she is also working with me and giving me exercises as home work to aid me in building or rebuilding my memory abilities.

All in all, memory issues are a pain in the assets (arse) but not so much as to not being able to over come it and progress.

I know that the knowledge is there and the assistance is available for you to overcome it!

I am sure that you’ll overcome it.

All the best,
