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Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief

Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief2011-06-08T20:29:51+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief


Post count: 14413

sugargremlin, that sounds like a good start to taming your Facebook addiction!

As for shopping lists, I manage to make them, even to put them in my pocket, but when I get to the grocery store, I forget to take the darned list out of my pocket!!!

Today my husband and I went shopping to get 2 things, bananas (for my chattering monkeys and me) and tomatoes.

We ended up with 15 jars of pasta sauce that were on sale. When I complained to my husband he said “this is a whole year’s supply, we last bought them this time last year when they were on sale”. 3 big bags of a great brand of tortilla chips since they are being discontinued. Some pomegranate juice because I heard something on the radio driving over called it “happy juice for office workers”. We also bought zucchini, tomato juice, lime juice, limes, mandarin oranges and a father’s day card.

Being vegetarians, it is really easy to avoid most of the store, but we still end up bringing home more than we thought we would.

I buy my toilet paper at Costco 40 rolls at a time, and make sure to get another 40 rolls when I open the last 40 roll pack. We keep them in the basement. There’s nothing quite as bad as requiring toilet paper in action 😯

As for the whiteboards, they can be useful for visualizing the lists. But the kitchen one is still in its package, my husband has to put it up for me since when I put holes in the walls, they tend to be way tooooo big 😈