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Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief

Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief2011-06-01T14:42:27+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief


Post count: 14413

One of the biggest time-wasters for me was Facebook. When the press started illuminating the privacy issues, I deleted all of my data (it took several days) and gave it up for good. That was about 1 year ago – YAY! You might ask yourself if you really need to be on Facebook.

Buy yourself a LOUD kitchen timer and take it into the bathroom with you, set it for 5 minutes and respect the alarm. It might be helpful for the shower as well.

Good sleep hygiene recommends that we should go to bed the same time every day and get up at the same time (including the weekends). I’ve had sleep issues for my whole life and have struggled with this, but to be honest, I do much, much better when I follow a strict sleep routine. There are many other things I’d rather do, but I need a good night’s sleep more. Is Facebook interfering with this too?

We have the disaster-house syndrome too. We’re working on it, since it’s spring and good weather, we are tackling some of the bigger issues out doors right now, but eventually we will have to deal with the inside. I posted on another topic that we bought 3 whiteboard/dry-erase boards and put them in strategic places in the house, each one has a different purpose. My husband has ADD too, neither of us have had formal diagnoses yet although I’m in the final stages of assessment. He checks the board himself now, and even adds things to it. This might be helpful at getting you organized. The time you spend on Facebook could easily be directed at a few household tasks.

I use a website called hassleme http://www.hassleme.co.uk/ to remind me about things I need to do that are not everyday events, like cleaning the toilet, etc. It’s a free service, you just tell them what you want to be reminded of and how often, and they send you random reminders around that time.

Is there anyone you could carpool with to work? I got a very stern warning from the ADHD psychiatrist about non-treated ADDers who drive. I have had many close calls and speeding tickets over the years, the last ticket was a really big one, but still I feel the urge to speed and I know I’m distracted at times. Very risky! I’m hoping meds will help me be more focused and slow me down.

I’m not really picking on your Facebook habit (it might not be as bad, but you may space out on Facebook too), but it’s a good example for me since I used to spend a lot of time on it, for no good reason!