The Forums › Forums › I Just Found Out! › I Suspect I Am › Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief › Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief
OMG!!! We also made it out of the house on time and without the usual nagging and yelling!! I just told the kids that we were going in 5 minutes, and my son got his things, put his shoes on, and was at the door within seconds of me saying it was time to go. No racing around looking for a lost item (or items, as is usually the case), no sitting on the computer till the last possible second then yelling at me when I remind him a second, third, fourth (etc) time that we have to go, and no waiting for him to get his act together and get out of the house (which usually makes us at least 5 minutes late). All that from a strong cup of coffee. I am now more hopeful about medication. He might be one of the lucky ones who is firstly helped by stimulant medication and, secondly, helped by only a low dose of it. As for me, my brain is quieter, but I haven’t needed to focus on much, though I wasn’t my usual frantic self when getting ready to go out. I felt calmer about it, and didn’t feel I was rushing to do things I needed to do (which seems to result in me wasting more time than I would if I didn’t rush so much….make sense?!). I am not usually late, as I always allow myself loads of time to get ready (ingrained habit from many years of practice) but I often feel like I waste time rushing from one end of the house to the other in meaningless action because I can’t quite work out what I should be doing next.
Hmmm… hasn’t stopped my verbal rambling lol…..but I feel perfectly able to end this here so I can get ready for work on time. Bye