The Forums › Forums › I Just Found Out! › I Suspect I Am › Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief › Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief
Sugargremlin, do you know any of the reasons for your anxiety? I find that much of mine stems from the fact that I most likely have ADHD. My house is messy, and I get anxious everytime I see a pile of laundry or a scummy shower because I feel inadequate and I know I should do something about it. I struggle to cook regular meals, so I get anxious about whether the kids are getting enough nutrients. If we go away, I always get a headache on the day we leave because packing takes so much effort/attention and stresses me out. I have social anxiety, probably because it’s so hard to keep track of conversations and not make an idiot of myself. So maybe the medications will help the cause of the anxiety rather than make it worse.