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Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief

Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief2011-06-01T11:46:43+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief Re: Worried that stimulants will exacerbate my anxiety, but desperate for relief


Post count: 546

hi I am a truck driver hauling chicken guts . it does not seam to matter how hard I try I am still screwing up. I have big spills and little spills. and very anxious about it all . the add meds and the effexor keep me plugging along. I don’t know what to do if I don’t drive a truck.

as for your living a double life you are so lucky to be able to pull that off.. I think you should be proud of yourself for all you get done and have accomplished . I have to say I take 108 mg of concerta(ganeric) a day and without it I would get nothing done. I work 12hours a shift. two weeks days starts at nine am and twoweeks evenings – nights. I am lucky my family keepsme ontime.