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Reply To: Did anyone else actually do well in school?

Reply To: Did anyone else actually do well in school?2013-11-19T19:25:27+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story Did anyone else actually do well in school? Reply To: Did anyone else actually do well in school?


Post count: 363


Yeah, I think the high-IQ factor has a lot to do with it.  I’m not going to brag about how smart I am (although I’d like to) but I think my ability to size up the essentials of a situation helped me a lot.

On the other hand, my husband’s IQ is 156. He’s smarter than I am – but did lousy in school because he “didn’t apply himself” – getting Cs until his senior year of high school when he decided to make an effort. And then in college came very close to graduating at the top of his class. So motivation clearly has a lot to do with academic success – but how do you create that level of motivation where it doesn’t exist?