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Reply To: Drugs Abuse and ADHD

Reply To: Drugs Abuse and ADHD2013-10-14T11:25:51+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Co-morbidities/Secondary Disorders Drugs Abuse and ADHD Reply To: Drugs Abuse and ADHD


Post count: 16

It is known since decades the high comorbidity between Drug Abuse and ADHD, there are many studies that correlate diferents addictions and ADHD but remains “just another ADHD co-morbidity”. The thesis I stand for is that having a dopamine déficit is necessary to become addicted to any dopaminergic drug, it is a prerequisite. People without this deficit can play with drugs, but those who have a dopamine deficit we cannot . Drugs are extremely dangerous to us and although we realize that anti-drug advertising is fake, that there are many people who use drugs without geting addicted, we cannot do it, we have to know that to us, will be true  that exaggerated propaganda

Two dais ago I post in “Marijuana and ADHD”( I was trying to attract attention over that dangerous comorbility)

I propose a new research to find the prevalence between addiction to drugs and ADHD:
1-Search on goole celebrities with any drug addiction: alcohol, cocaine, heroin …

2-Choose the drug you want, also the criteria to introduce the person in your study population (alphabetical, included in more than one list …)..

3- Then search again in google if these celebrities have been diagnosed with ADHD,

4- You will notice that the prevalence is much higher than researchers  define and also you will realize that all those celebrities with drugs abuse but without diagnosis of ADHD are from an age at which this disorder was not considered among adults, , If not, the prevalence would be around 100%  ”