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Reply To: Effexor and a stimulant?

Reply To: Effexor and a stimulant?2016-07-03T02:02:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Effexor and a stimulant? Reply To: Effexor and a stimulant?


Post count: 8

The problem with the concerta 12 hour and Effixor Xr is the need for sleep. I have an old history of waking after 4 hours and difficulty going back to sleep. So FP Family Physician prescribed AmiTryptilene for evenings. Doesnt make you sleepy but does make it extremely hard to wake up. Good thing i am retired . Getting up before noon is undoable unless i am asleep by  11:00. I am used to 7, at most 8 hrs. Once i start the “up at noon” i cant get to sleep til well after midnight..  The crazy hours become self defeating.