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Reply To: FDA warns that Methylphenidate can cause painful errections

Reply To: FDA warns that Methylphenidate can cause painful errections2013-12-17T22:41:02+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Methylphenidate Generic FDA warns that Methylphenidate can cause painful errections Reply To: FDA warns that Methylphenidate can cause painful errections


Post count: 906

I know this is not funny. But I couldn’t help snickering a little when I saw the title.

It does seem strange that the reports would just be surfacing now. Maybe they just didn’t make the link between the drug and the erections before? But when it’s been around as long as it has you would think someone would have figured it out.

New formulations of the drug maybe? I don’t know, but if it is new, something must have changed recently.