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Reply To: Fine line between ADHD and Aspergers/Autism?

Reply To: Fine line between ADHD and Aspergers/Autism?2013-11-21T00:36:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Fine line between ADHD and Aspergers/Autism? Reply To: Fine line between ADHD and Aspergers/Autism?


Post count: 906


Good for you for catching it so early and doing something about it, and for doing your own research and getting a second opinion. A lot of parents don’t like to admit that their child isn’t “normal” and will fight getting a diagnosis which is extremely harmful to the child. Especially with Autism where  early intervention is  absolutely critical.

Sorry, I sound like a know it all. But I actually do have a lot of knowledge in the area of child development and developing and implementing programs for kids with special needs. And it is an area of interest, so I can’t help commenting on it.

I am definitely interested in taking a look at that website so thanks for the link.