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Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…

Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…2013-07-05T08:15:26+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer Help a non-ADHD spouse out… Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…


Post count: 12


Thank you for all your insight and suggestions. I will look into CHADD and look for support groups around my area. I appreciate your feedback about focusing on me and how I feel and not about him and what he’s doing. I understand that would be really overwhelming and counterproductive. I have to say that I am also really overwhelmed by it all at times but when I’m feeling more positive, I can step back and think about one thing to try to address at a time and how we can work on it together.

What have your experiences been with coaching?