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Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…

Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…2013-07-03T20:29:28+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer Help a non-ADHD spouse out… Reply To: Help a non-ADHD spouse out…


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Kudos to you ‘Keepingthefaith’ for being so supportive, accepting, and willing to work with him despite his ADHD! Even though he might not be showing it you, or even telling you, but you can be certain of his profound appreciation for all that you’ve done, and all that you are, for those with ADHD are intuitive if nothing else, well I am anyway so I’m presuming that he is too lol….I’m the last person to proffer an opinion on the perfect marriage for my wife and I have been on the crazy roller-coaster of marriage for 16 years, but we’re still married even if our relationship isn’t where it could or should be. Ah well, we all live in hope, and I too hope that one day I can say that my marriage is the best relationship that I’ve ever had before I disappear into the eternal ether… 🙂

Good luck with everything, and may he have the same zeal to understand ADHD as you! 🙂