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Reply To: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself

Reply To: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself2013-11-02T04:41:31+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself Reply To: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself


Post count: 3

I find that socially I’m good. I don’t know what my IQ is but I completed my phd in my thirties after a childhood of inattentive (‘needs to concentrate more’) schooling. I had a common issue touched on above and in other threads; I was highly qualified by my late twenties to MA level but couldn’t get a job that mirrored that. This continued after the doc until I was nearly 40, bagging my first role on the average industrial wage (a milestone!). My confidence was undermined by a sense that I wasn’t good enough. I couldn’t see my strengths. This was complicated by being in the arts field (precarious enough) which is all about selling yourself and building connections. I was disastrous at both!