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Reply To: How do I Explain this to Others

Reply To: How do I Explain this to Others2013-11-27T00:42:56+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Need Help! How do I Explain this to Others Reply To: How do I Explain this to Others


Post count: 906

LOL I forgot all about the talking stain. Haven’t seen that one for awhile. I guess it is a good illustration of ADD. From both perspectives, the guy trying to talk over the chatter and the one trying to focus on what he’s saying and not on the stain. I have a really, really hard time focusing when I’m talking to someone who has a stain on their shirt or a big mole or birth mark or pink and purple hair. Or Really sparkly jewelry. Anything that is interesting or unusual.

The Strattera ad just makes me dizzy and disoriented.