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Reply To: How to create succes for a teen

Reply To: How to create succes for a teen2016-02-16T11:40:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Parenting & ADD How to create succes for a teen Reply To: How to create succes for a teen


Post count: 3

Thanks for your story. It soumds marvelous! You must be so chuffed for your son!

It’s been a struggle to first understand what having ADD is really like and to understand where my son is coming from. We are communicating much better. And he seems to understand why I react differently sometimes. So big plus!

We are getting there. Just sometimes the mountain turns into the Himalayas and I feel like a mountaineer in a T-shirt, shorts and flipflops : totally unprepared, helpless and overwhelmed.

I do have professional support, but it’s not always at the moment I need it most. And when I do have the chat it has all settled down and I tend to forget how utterly useless I felt the fortnight before.

I really value all you say as you have climbed the mountain and this is a very different perspective to a professional one. That’s what I like about the Totally Add videos: the professionals often also have ADD or really know what it is to live with someone with ADD. It’s just an extra dimension of understanding.

I am rattling on!

Thanks for you input. And I will let you know how things progress!