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Reply To: Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help

Reply To: Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help2013-10-01T11:30:14+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Scared Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help Reply To: Irrational Fear Taking Over My Life…Please Help


Post count: 845

Irrational is a relative term.  While most would say your fear is irrational, its not irrational to you.  Everyone has irrational fears, so many so that we have names for them.  Acrophobia for instance.

You have two good option from Larynxa and blackdog for dealing with it.  Run, or face it and conquer.  While avoiding the stimulus is a good idea, in your case, its hard to do today because we are bombarded with so much stuff at an instant’s notice without warning that avoidance while good in theory is impossible in practice.

The bottom line, I think from both blackdog and Larynxa is that you need some sort of help with this, either from a doctor, a friend, or a book, just because of the impairing impact it is having.  I agree, but you needn’t feel bad about requiring such.  In this case, I think you need to desensitize yourself to the stimulus and conquer your fears.  In the mean time, turn off the TV and read a book.

My suggestion is listen to the following:


until you have it thouroughly stuck in you head, about 3000 times, then hit mental replay the next time something scary pops up.

Let us know what works.