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Reply To: My first week on Vyvanse…….an update

Reply To: My first week on Vyvanse…….an update2014-08-12T11:07:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Vyvanse My first week on Vyvanse…….an update Reply To: My first week on Vyvanse…….an update


Post count: 43

Please check out our “Read This First” post for a full explanation of this medication. http://totallyaddconnect.com/forums/topic/read-first-for-information-on-vyvanse/

Also, be sure to register for our upcoming Webinars about medication!
Dr. David Pomeroy with be taking questions on September 2!
Dr. Chuck Parker will be joining us for 3 webinars in October!
Register for Dr. Pomeroy’s webinar now: http://totallyadd.com/webinars/
(Dr. Chuck Parker’s webinar registration will open in September.  Sign up for webinar reminders here: http://totallyadd.com/register/)