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Reply To: Need Dex advice to help my care provider – appt in 3 hrs

Reply To: Need Dex advice to help my care provider – appt in 3 hrs2014-03-23T16:28:21+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Dexedrine Need Dex advice to help my care provider – appt in 3 hrs Reply To: Need Dex advice to help my care provider – appt in 3 hrs


Post count: 158

@billd; I think it basically boils down to the fact that from here on in, you are a scientific experiment. Just keep on trying different things. It’s slow, tedious, frustrating, but it’s all they’ve got for now.
A little belatedly – as for Dex, I take the short release as a booster for Adderall XR. I think I metabolize pretty quickly. It made a huge difference – I wasn’t getting through a whole day at work with the Adderall alone.
I’m a sleepy type too. Nothing diagnosed, but unmedicated I would have a really hard time driving an hour to work. As it is, I have been getting sleepy again lately. Going to try controlling other variables (see? Science experiment) like bedtime, diet, etc. Hopefully that will do it.