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Reply To: No-one should have to live this life

Reply To: No-one should have to live this life2013-07-01T10:10:30+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story No-one should have to live this life Reply To: No-one should have to live this life


Post count: 24

Hi RS-
Thanks for sharing this. First I am glad to hear you made it through your medical scare. I do hope you are feeling better.

One of my first thoughts in reading this was how very right you are that no- one should to go through this. My second thought was how in some odd way maybe you going through this has enabled you to relate to your son and greatly help him improve his life on this front.
I can relate so much to your comment about the types of people you had hanging around. I try to remind myself that maybe going through the ADHD process has allowed me to cleanse my life in a way that i wouldent have otherwise. I know its very hard to see the bright side of the situation but i guess in a way thats all we have dont we?
I really hope you get back on the medication and you feel the improvments that you felt before.