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Reply To: Reaction to XR after taking a few years!?

Reply To: Reaction to XR after taking a few years!?2013-06-26T18:10:28+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR Reaction to XR after taking a few years!? Reply To: Reaction to XR after taking a few years!?


Post count: 119

I feel for you. I had an anxiety attack when coming off  Focalin. Totally freaked me out. I had no idea what was going on. I’m also very aware of the frustration and anxiety that can accompany med and dosage changes. How much is mental and how much is created by meds, I’m not sure.  Maybe start low again and titrate up slowly. Did you have a down time between generic and non-generic? If so, then titrating up may be the answer. I do wonder if certain life issues or stressors interfere with medication or maybe the medication amplifies stressors.

Keep us updated. Let us know how you’re getting on.
