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Reply To: Taste in music– any other ADDers like "trance" or "progressive house" music?

Reply To: Taste in music– any other ADDers like "trance" or "progressive house" music?2015-06-04T20:19:59+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Taste in music– any other ADDers like "trance" or "progressive house" music? Reply To: Taste in music– any other ADDers like "trance" or "progressive house" music?


Post count: 60

There could be a connection to ADHD and music taste, no doubt. Two of my kids who have ADHD happen to like house music and find it stimulating. Maybe age is a factor? I used to like punk rock in my youth before there was house music. Now I do still like a beat but am prone to examine lyrics and want my music to have rhythm and soothe me…like this one:  https://youtu.be/nruUewOQZiQ?list=RDnruUewOQZiQ