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Reply To: Wellbutrin ? yea or nay?

Reply To: Wellbutrin ? yea or nay?2013-12-05T12:32:47+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Antidepressants Wellbutrin ? yea or nay? Reply To: Wellbutrin ? yea or nay?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

@Paisley, TotallyADD did a series of videos on Medications.  Though the series was sponsored by four pharmaceutical companies, the money was “unrestricted educational grants”—with no strings attached, and no say whatsoever on the content of the material.

As always, discuss everything with your doctor, because this is very general information, and Your Mileage Will Vary.

They’re on YouTube, in this playlist:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LR6ja1uLg8s&list=PLZxx5XmrvNJIezPW6mnmNp2oqsN3gMJ3m .