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Reply To: "You know how I know you have ADD?" – My Story

Reply To: "You know how I know you have ADD?" – My Story2015-08-31T16:57:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey My Story "You know how I know you have ADD?" – My Story Reply To: "You know how I know you have ADD?" – My Story


Post count: 60

Hello there Baj, sorry to hear about your crummy experience. Personally I think you need a second (third, fourth, etc.) chance with a few ‘heads ups’ beforehand. I try to give gentle reminders to people often as I appreciate getting them myself! As for my self esteem coming from my loved ones? Uh, no, it ain’t happening. I figured this out awhile ago and have since taken courses that interest me and found jobs that I pour myself into and give me satisfaction. Don’t get me wrong Baj, I’m not saying you ought to do this too, but to be quite honest, for me it was a lifesaver. As for meds, yes I tried them too for a few days and became an intense version of myself. I was like a pit bull that couldn’t let go of something, and I couldn’t handle me like this. lol. Talk later?