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Had Child ADHD so now what?

Had Child ADHD so now what?2012-02-27T12:26:23+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Had Child ADHD so now what?

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    Post count: 2

    I just recently got married back in July, I was so different with my wife to be before getting married, things were so easy due to it being a long distance relationship. After getting married things seemed to go downhill, as I began some of my older symptoms as a child with ADHD, such as loosing track of what my wife was saying, forgetting things, really really bad impulsiveness. Worst thing tho is when we get into an argument it turns into a huge fight, like last night she was just making sure I didn’t fall asleep while talking as I had before(I don’t even remember falling asleep, I just completely pass out), I took complete offense to it, and it turned into a huge argument.

    Some background, I was diagnosed around the age of 5 with ADHD, placed on Ritalin, and going through therapy, at around the age of 10-11 my parents took me off all medication and therapy. They ignored all symptoms of me being ADHD, which has led me to a situation in which I have no idea how to coop with this disorder. Later on my parents said I had Asperger Syndrome, thus explaining why “medication” was not the option for me.

    I did the video test just to make sure I fit the symptoms, because this entire time I was living a lie or thats how I felt. By the video saying I fit all three categories(I know not a real diagnoses). Right now I am between countries, as I am immigrating to Canada, thus being that I cannot find a doctor as I have no health care, nor can I gain access from free care, as I am not part of the Canadian health care system. So right now I am doing what I can to seek self-help from forums, and books. I am reading “So you mean I’m not Crazy, Stupid or Lazy?” even then I am finding it hard to stay focused on reading it.

    So finally I come here to place my first post, to ask for some help from some Men who are in the same issue or situation. I am in dire need!!! please help


    Post count: 845

    There is a book, The ADHD Effect on Marriage, that you might also read. I would add that I think it is crucial that you wife also get educated about ADHD. Otherwise, she will misinterpret your symptoms which will eventually lead to fighting and arguments.

    http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=256 might also be of interest to both of you

    Oh and Delivered from Distraction is also a pretty good book.



    Post count: 165

    When you get to Canada, apply for health care in the province you settle in; you will start coverage 3 months thereafter. Hope that helps, Jim


    Post count: 2

    I will be applying for provential health care in quebec, as for my wife this is her actual field of study, but things are tight because she is pregnant so things have gotten a little hectic at times.

    thats for the book recommendation.


    Post count: 165

    don’t know if the URLs will stick but here’s the info you need: http://www.ramq.gouv.qc.ca/en/citoyens/assurancemaladie/arriver/arriver.shtml

    Registration form

    You cannot register online. To obtain a registration form, you must call the Régie or visit an office of the Régie during office hours. The Régie cannot send you this form before you arrive in Québec.

    If you call, the Régie recommends that you have your proof-of-identity documents handy. If you come to an office of the Régie, you can submit your application for registration at the office, as long as you have all the required documents with you.

    Registration procedure

    The following pages contain information about when your health insurance coverage takes effect and what the registration procedure is:

    if you are arriving from outside Canada;

    if you are arriving from another Canadian province.

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