MerryMac, that is how my ex used to judge people. He made lots of money and thought those who didn’t, just weren’t applying themselves and were lazy. He used to call me a “waste.” I had feelings of inadequacy and wondered what exactly it was that I contributed to in my relationships, the world. I always secretly thought I had something to offer, my humor, my flexibility, my compassion, my intellect, my creative thought, were all untangible things, that had I had a job, might have been valued. I guess I don’t blame him too much for his frustration with me because he didn’t see the world the way I did, didn’t appreciate art, music, literature, etc., but I always thought it takes both kinds of people to make the world go around. Now that I’m more aware of what was holding me back, I’m feeling ready to venture out and make my way in the world, and to contribute something. I may be a gardener, I may return to college and pursue a degree, but I won’t ever again let someone label me for “what” I am, instead of “who” i am.
@ Brent, you always make me laugh and I’m always drawn to your posts, so that person was right.