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March 6, 2010 at 1:52 pm #91427
AnonymousInactiveMarch 6, 2010 at 1:52 pmPost count: 14413my iPhone has been a lifesaver!!! I have everything from to-do lists, my calender, a notepad for random thoughts, wikipedia for my incessant need to find things out, google maps when I get lost while wandering around, alarm clock and so many more!
People like to take jabs since i’m “always on my iPhone” but it is the only thing that i have been able to use that actually keeps me on track.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2010 at 3:02 pm #91428Anyone using any productivity apps they’d like to share? There are quite a few out there. I’m having trouble sorting out what would be most suitable for my ADD needs.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 25, 2010 at 4:19 pm #91429I can totally relate to Rick’s concern about constantly losing his PDA. I find that the best way to avoid this is to find a really good case for the PDA that you can wear on your body. I like to clip mine to a belt loop.
REPORT ABUSEMarch 31, 2010 at 10:52 pm #91430
AnonymousInactiveMarch 31, 2010 at 10:52 pmPost count: 14413If you have a Mac & iPhone, you can use Things on both of them. Things is an organizing software that can be linked with the calendar and syncs between computer & phone. It has a quick entry option (both on computer and phone) so you can input tasks whenever you think of it and deal with it later when you have time. It works very well.
REPORT ABUSEApril 1, 2010 at 1:45 am #91431My PDA is the side of my hand, between my thumb and my wrist. I just scribble a word or two on it to remind me of any urgent things I need to do.
It may not look too pretty, but at least I know I’ll never accidentally lose it!
REPORT ABUSEDecember 1, 2010 at 12:21 am #91432
AnonymousInactiveDecember 1, 2010 at 12:21 amPost count: 14413I would like everyone to know that my Iphone 4 Rocks,
REPORT ABUSEDecember 12, 2010 at 8:23 pm #91433
AnonymousInactiveDecember 12, 2010 at 8:23 pmPost count: 14413I love my Blackberry but unfortunately it has only been a temporary fix to my self-diagnosed ADD. I display impulsivity in my spending so I downloaded several expense trackers that help me track the money I’ve spent and the bills that are due. I started off using these programs quite frequently, but now I just put it off to the point of not even using them anymore. I either procrastinate or forget to use the program.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 6:03 am #91434
AnonymousInactiveDecember 13, 2010 at 6:03 amPost count: 14413If you were going to buy a new smart phone….. would you buy the I-Phone or a Blackberry? i use Windows ( not a Mac ) for my job and wondered if anybody has suggestions for Microsoft Outlook tools for ADD folks? Do you synchronize your Blackberry to your laptop? Google items?? I am feeling Google is becoming too intrusive with regards to privacy issues?? Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 13, 2010 at 12:36 pm #91435I never get around to entering things into my phone (new Android type)
I had a PDA a few years ago back when the PDA was king and phones were simply phones with maybe a game and calculator app.
(try to buy a true PDA today, choices are slim, phones have taken over)
Anyway, it seems that I put off entering things, OR it’s so complicated and time consuming to sit or stand there and try to put things in on a teensy keyboard that’s poorly laid out, so it never gets into the phone. And I’m a computer geek, and network administrator at work and can make computers do almost anything – but personally, phones and such are a pain to deal with and so complex.
I guess reason 2 has been touched here – I always hate to see those people with phones super-glued to their ears, or they can’t even go to the bathroom without a phone. Managers here think they need them, but it’s more of a status thing at work to have a blackberry. I never cared for that.
Silly dumb reasons, eh?
We only went with these new phones because of the discounts, and the phones were literally free after rebate, otherwise we’d never have been able to afford ’em. The package deal was good and will actually cost us no more than we were paying on the other plan with the overages.
I must use Windows at work, but frankly, I don’t like things that are based on anything Windows or MS products – too buggy. My old PDA was Windoze based and constantly crashed and lost stuff. And Google – well, what choice with Andriod? I don’t trust them any farther than I can throw them, Arrogant company about like mickysoft, and the trust issues – when we found their toolbar was hammering on our domain controllers at work, we ripped all things Google off all computers really quickly.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 15, 2010 at 3:59 pm #91436
AnonymousInactiveDecember 15, 2010 at 3:59 pmPost count: 14413FWIW I had an iTouch, it was very helpful but it is now my wife’s as I graduated to the iPhone. I was using the iTouch so much that I couldn’t rely on hotspots for access to the internet and got on 3G.
Google Docs, Email and Calendar are all great ways to keep everything centralized and shared when required. I have a Family calendar in Google, without I’d forget my own birthday let alone the dentist appointments for kids, school events, my classes, prescription refill info and dates….. Plus it’s a contact list, camera, voice recorder, phone, GPS, and does all things Internet.
@Henry – iPhone front left, wallet is rear left, change front right, glasses check, keys check okay I can go now.
REPORT ABUSEEvery damned day. Shit forgot my watch, left wrist.