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  • in reply to: Exercise and stimulant meds…any insights? #120157

    Post count: 3

    Thanks guys for taking the time to read my post and reply with your insights. It’s greatly appreciated. Comforting to know others gave similar issues with this. Like  many ADDers, I enjoy exercise and rely on it to help keep me feeling half decent, sane and focused in life – but it doesn’t really mix well with exercise. Or at least strenuous exercise rather. Bit of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t with regard to exercise and stimulant meds.

    Drakeadonian, that sounds like a good plan, taking short acting about an hour after the run after the endorphins wear off and going from there. I’m currently taking Vyvanse for days when i don’t run and short acting dexedrine for days when i do. Low doses for both, 20mg of Vyvanse (though I’ll prob have to increase to 30) and 5mg of Dexedrine per short dose.

    Robbo, thanks for the awesome story! Haha. We’re all kooks of one sort or another, but it’s good to be a happy one.

    Catscorner, what type of distances do you run? Sounds like longer distances than what I do. Also, if you don’t mind my asking, do you take a long acting or short acting med? And for how long have you been taking medication and running for?


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