Dr. Umesh Jain is now exclusively responsible for TotallyADD.com and its content


TotallyADD is dedicated to helping adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and those affected by it (family, employers, health professionals, etc.) liberate themselves from fear, shame, and stigma and create a life they love.  Our mission is personal – we are a team of people with ADHD or affected by it.

Creating and sustaining the tools, content and social forums to accomplish this mission takes a really big investment of time and money.  We accept limited advertising and are not funded by pharmaceutical companies.  Which means we need the support of generous people like you, either through donations or by purchasing items in our shop.

If you find any joy and value in TotallyADD, please support our cause and consider a modest donation – however much you can afford.  Thank you!