Dr. Umesh Jain is now exclusively responsible for TotallyADD.com and its content
Blog Submission2018-03-21T08:19:12-04:00

Blog Submission

Do you have a great story? A unique experience? Some hard-won insights?

We all do, that’s true, but would you be willing to share your story with the TotallyADD community? It doesn’t matter if you have ADHD, or you love someone who does, or you work as an ADHD professional.

If you would like to write an original Blog for TotallyADD, we’d love to publish it.

“Great! I’m excited! How I start?”

First, some logistics:

It should be:

400-800 words long

Use Microsoft Word
Use Times or New Times Roman font
12 Point

Provide references for any figures or statistics.  Attribute quotes to the author.

Avoid foul language, copyright issues, promoting services or products, partisan politics, or attacking individuals.  At least in writing.  (Feel free to vent and spew all you want when you’re in the shower, your therapist’s office, or at a family gathering that includes liquor.)

Include a brief bio, 75 words or less.

If you prefer to not have your name on the Blog, we can publish it ‘Anonymous.’ In that case include a thumbnail description of yourself:

“The author is an H.R. executive in her 30’s at an internet start-up.”

“The author is the stay-at-home father of five children.”
“The author works in retail. She was diagnosed with ADHD two weeks ago, but hasn’t told her friends or family.”

Second: Some Conditions Apply

Unfortunately, I’m not an editor.  This won’t be a back-and-forth process to ‘develop and flesh out your idea.’  So make it as good as you can.

Don’t plagiarize.  (I know, but it had to be said. And it’s probably been said before. Ha!)

Don’t attack individuals, organizations, a particular medication, or specific companies.  If you had a bad doctor, just tell us what went wrong, not their name, rank, and serial number.

Don’t dispense medical advice.

Spelling is a challenge for a lot of us.  Ask someone you trust to proof-read what you’ve written.

For Guidelines on Style & Format, and recommendations on, ‘What should I write about?’ CLICK HERE.

Before you hit SEND – Did you remember to include:

Your Blog in Microsoft Word.

A short bio (75 words or less.)
A picture of yourself or an image/avatar. (500KB or less)
A signed release. (Click Here To Download)
You may also include photographs or images that illustrate your story, if you own the images and have permission from everyone in them.

Attach and send everything in one Email to: CustomerSupport@TotallyADD.com

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!