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Re: 51 and just diagnosed———now on meds

Re: 51 and just diagnosed———now on meds2011-03-03T00:57:30+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story 51 and just diagnosed———now on meds Re: 51 and just diagnosed———now on meds


Post count: 14413

Myredjeep, my doctor didn’t want me to start on meds either. I almost had a nervous breakdown in his office; he could see my dissapointment. I convinced him. Saw him again today, a week later, and told him I am doing better. I hope he’s getting it. I relate to feeling regrets about my life, but i have to say, I made it to this point on my own….friggin’ hard work. It made me who I am, and I do like who I am. I hate the confusion in my life but the meds are making me hopeful that that too is going to improve. Get a second opinion. I’m hopeful for you. I’m 51…not far off from you. Good luck, and hang in there. Keep me posted.

Alfred E. Newman, aka Barrister 14, thanks so much for your thoughtful post!

The nausea and difficulties were due to a GI bug that I had for about 1 1/2 days. My wife got it a couple days later. A bunch of colleagues and kids from our work environments had it last week. It was coincidental.

The meds are helping. Not miraculously but certainly giving me hope. To tell you the truth, I can hardly tell they are doing anything, until i start winding down and catch glimpses of my old self. I’m way less distracted. My wife is yapping on the phone, full blast, about 20 feet from me as I type and I can almost totally tune her out, instead of freaking out and storming off to another room or sitting here in a daze wondering why I can’t think anymore.

I’m going to an ADD group starting tomorrow night. I’m really hopeful that I’ll get some good counsel and perhaps some coaching from them.

re self-medicating. I use to over indulge regularly. I’ve cut back the last two years but still can go overboard if my mind is racing too fast. I have no real desire to drink since starting on the meds. I’m quite surprised and happy about that. I will be discussing other medication with my doctor. I have no real bad side-effects but the meds don’t seem consistant. Also, because there is a peak and an eventual let-down I find myself changing throughout the day. I don’t know what dose is best yet, too early, but I told my doctor today that I’m taking them 3 times a day instead of his recommended 2. The worst side-effect is coming off them and becoming my confused, distracted self again. I went without a 3rd dose last night and sat in the kitchen in front of the computer accomplishing nothing, even though I was trying with all my might.

Thanks again,

Trashman, I’ve had a pretty successful career, but I have to work twice as hard as the next guy for the same results, so I’ve been burning out. I feel like a big fake, but love that I pulled it off as well as I have. I had to quit upgrading for my after-degree after my mom died last year. I had so much to do that I couldn’t keep it all straight in my head. I would put in hours a day just making lists, worrying about my next move, and freaking out over how fast time was going and how little I was getting accomplished. YOu’re right though, we do rock, don’t we. We’ve made it this far… I’m really hopeful about the coaching I’ll be getting, the fellow-ADDers I’ll be meeting, and the tools I’ll be introduced to. I’m also hopeful that I will find a dose and type of med I really flourish on.

gotta go….

nice thread..