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Re: ADD friendly jobs

Re: ADD friendly jobs2011-03-07T23:22:38+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers ADD friendly jobs Re: ADD friendly jobs


Post count: 14413

I’m currently an addictions counselor. Problem: Long hours of paperwork. I have trouble paying attention to my clients in group therapy for 1 HOUR AND50 MINUTES. I start to lose my focus after an hour. I’m counting down the REQUIRED time more than my court ordered patients are. They know I’m struggling to get through the work day. When I first began in this line of work 11 years ago, I did shift work. I was always moving from one task to another rather quickly. I shoveled snow when bored or in need of burning energy. I worked my way up in this business and now I’m miserable. I miss the rapid fire shift work, and going on recreational activities with the cleints…and the shoveling of snow. Now that I’m in a higher up position (my father would have never have thought he would see the day-proud of me),I have a bachelors degree (miracle), I have an office (cage) that I must spend hours in on a daily basis, others shovel the snow. I don’t even know where snow shovel is.. I’ve looked often). I need a new line of work.