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Re: Family and close friends

Re: Family and close friends2011-02-21T20:24:05+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me Family and close friends Re: Family and close friends


Post count: 546

Hi all I think if we look back we could all say we all have a story where we feel we have bean wronged . I to have that feeling and what I think is a sad story, from the sexuall abuse for 4 years from a man next door ,to being junped and bullied in school and all these things didn’t come out untill 2009 when my dad died.it seems for me losing that last parent was finally giving me a chance to be open about my life. since I opened that pandoras box it all came poring out and I cant seem to put it back in the box. the older I get is harder to cope for some reason . then to find out that I have adhd and so did mmy dad . I have other siblings also but they have no idea. I am the first to admit I am a train wreak. been like this a long time spend most of my time wishing I were dead just don’t have the guts to do it . I guess its one more thing I wont finsh. I have to go I think I am just being a big baby and feeling sorry for myself. i will be back when I feel better about myself . sorry and thanks for letting me vent.